" To pause, observe, meditate in a contemplative silence upon nature's beauty has become a necessity to man to safeguard his equilibrium from today's life-styles and to remind him that he also is part of the immense wholeness of the precious yet fragile natural structures." (L. Dietrich)
Born in 1952, Trois-Rivières, (Québec), Canada, worldwide awarded international artist Lorraine Dietrich, lives now in Shawinigan. She has been painting with transparent watercolours since 1988.
The public appreciates her serene watercolour paintings, whose dynamic, yet romantic floral compositions combined with glowing and excellent light-fastness colours are painted on high-quality paper. Flowers have been her main inspiration because of their diversity, sensuousness and symbolism, which she relates to the blossoming life around her. She focuses on the individuality, essence and spirituality of flowers. She likes to draw and paint from life and her elegant and timeless florals in front of abstract backgrounds convey bold and mysterious feelings. Her personal style embodies new trends in contemporary representational arts. Her style presents a bold energy and she pushes the limits of traditional watercolour and flower painting rules in her approach, technique, composition and execution. Still life subjects and miniatures are part of her repertoire. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching Visual Arts from Université du Québec in Montreal (1975). Her paintings also include Miniatures and Still Life subjects.
So far, her works have been shown in 40 solo and 190 juried and group art exhibitions in many countries: Canada, USA, France. Greece, Switzerland, India, Puerto-Rico, including two solo exhibitions in Thessaloniki and Kilkis in Greece. A Retrospective Exhibition was presented to 2,000 visitors in 2008 at Musée Pierre-Boucher in Trois-Rivières, Québec. During the pandemia, 400 visitors were expected by that museum for her solo exhibition in 2020; 4500 visitors came from many cities around the Québec Province and the solo was selected by Festival International de la Poésie for the visual component of the Festival.
Her paintings won many awards in Canada and abroad by eminent jurys. The Canadian Brushstroke Magazine awarded her with the Canadian First Award (Florals). She won thirteen (13) American Art Awards worldwide awards, including First Prize in Watercolor (2010), First Prize in Floral Realism (2012). In 2018, the jury was composed of 25 top notch art galleries and Museums directors in USA and they voted amongst3,000 paintings from 59 countries. Her artworks are part of permanent collections in several museums in the province of Québec, also in the EMS Museum, Thessaloniki, Greece. Reputable art galleries show her paintings on a permanent basis. Daniel Harrisson, from Hémérocalles de l’Isle, produced a new hybrid-cultivar flower, “Hémérocalle Lorraine Dietrich“, as a tribute to the artist; and the homologation was made by the American Hemerocallis Society in 2007.
She was elected as Signature Member of Institut des Arts Figuratifs, North East Watercolor Society (USA) and Society of Canadian Artists, Honorary Member of Société Canadienne de l’Aquarelle. She was selected for The Best of Flower Painting book, K. Kipp, Ed., North Light Books, Cincinnati, U.S.A. and Cassell, London, England, 1997 (120 winners / 2,864 submissions). Publications include International Artist Magazine in their “Masters of the World” showcase, Magazin’Art, L’Art de l’Aquarelle, Eptaritmi (Greece), Highlight Hollywood, USA, many newspapers articles, exhibition catalogues, art guides. She has been President of Honor in many symposiums, curator in exhibitions and part of jurys in national and international art exhibitions and events.
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